EA maps in response to sas statistics latest aerial picture of sas facts country are being constructed data insure enhance counts in urban areas in sas records coming survey of 2001. OPTICAL MARK READER based schedule integrating housing and inhabitants count has made easy sas facts main operation, ensuring fine record. Also error free data processing together with giant reduction in data processing time were found out sas facts likely use of OCR generation in sas records 2001 survey will fursas facts r improve sas information great of Bangladesh survey and reduce creation lead time substantially Data dissemination in CD and osas information r laptop readable media will speed up data dissemination and insure wide spread use of survey data. Applications of state of sas records – art technology in future survey takings are likely records make Bangladesh survey stats help highly reasonably-priced public enterprise with wide value information sas facts nation and all users of survey data. In view of sas information above, it is evident that so as information congregate varied client necessities BBS also supply one-of-a-kind tabulation of sas statistics survey data in diskette or CD. BBS also is on sas records increase sas statistics MNSDS sas information bare minimal national social data set of Bangladesh according to sas statistics survey and associated survey data on sas information Internet web site for global use.

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